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Exporium Updates

Hello, World!

Today we can say it! We are online! It is hard to describe all the emotions that have accompanied us up to this small milestone, after 3 years of hard work, interviews, ideas, contacts, knowledge, codes, foods, wines, long nights. But we can tell you that we are incredibly proud to have arrived here and […]

Update Exporium
Exporium Updates

A little update on Exporium

… stiamo arrivando!
“Brexit” ed il Covid non ci hanno reso la vita facile finora ma manca davvero pochissimo! Ecco qui qualche aggiornamento su Exporium!
… we are coming!
“Brexit” and Covid have not made our life easy so far but very little is missing! Here are some updates on Exporium!


Certifications for Food Export

Quando si parla di export alimentare la necessità primaria da soddisfare è quella legata all’igiene e alla conservazione dei cibi e delle bevande e quindi in generale alla sicurezza dei prodotti nei confronti dei consumatori. È indispensabile garantire una certa trasparenza e per questo sono richiesti alcuni documenti che attestino l’integrità delle varie fasi di commercializzazione.

— English version —-

When it comes to exports of food products, the main need to be met is that of hygiene and the preservation of food and drinks and therefore in general of product safety towards consumers.
It is essential to ensure a certain transparency and for this some documents are required which attest to the integrity of the various marketing phases.


The Import of Food Products from Abroad

L’emergenza Covid 19, abbattendosi sul mercato internazionale del cibo, ha causato una frenata degli ottimi risultati ottenuti dal processo di esportazione dei prodotti agroalimentari italiani.
Nonostante ciò l’export verso paesi come Francia e Stati Uniti restituisce un feedback alquanto positivo considerando le scarse aspettative.
Entriamo quindi ora nel merito della questione e analizziamo gli aspetti che riguardano il mondo dell’import alimentare e le preoccupazioni dei buyer internazionali.

English Version

The Covid 19 emergency, breaking down on the international food market, caused a slowdown in the excellent results obtained by the export process of Italian agri-food products. Despite this, exports to countries such as France and the United States return somewhat positive feedback considering the low expectations.
So let’s now go into the merits of the issue and analyze the aspects that concern the world of food imports and the concerns of international buyers.

Export Import

The Incoterms

What they are and what role they play in international trade in 2020 Incoterms is the contraction of International Commercial Terms: the set of transport law regulations which govern the obligations of the parties involved. They are reviewed every 10 years by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) with the aim of keeping them constantly […]

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