Tag: exporiumnewblog


Certifications for Food Export

Quando si parla di export alimentare la necessità primaria da soddisfare è quella legata all’igiene e alla conservazione dei cibi e delle bevande e quindi in generale alla sicurezza dei prodotti nei confronti dei consumatori. È indispensabile garantire una certa trasparenza e per questo sono richiesti alcuni documenti che attestino l’integrità delle varie fasi di commercializzazione.

— English version —-

When it comes to exports of food products, the main need to be met is that of hygiene and the preservation of food and drinks and therefore in general of product safety towards consumers.
It is essential to ensure a certain transparency and for this some documents are required which attest to the integrity of the various marketing phases.


Benefits and risks in the world of Food Export

Is it worth taking the Made in Italy across the border? Italy is a country that boasts international fame, excelling or otherwise distinguishing itself in various sectors such as fashion, the luxury car industry or tourism. Moreover, its popularity also owes a lot to the fact that it is well known for its varied healthy […]

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