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Agribusiness in Puglia: An Engine of Economic and Social Growth

Puglia boasts a robust and dynamic agri-food supply chain. It significantly contributes to the local and national economy. Its strategic position in the Mediterranean and the quality of its products make it a key player in agribusiness and agri-food exports.

The Puglian Agri-Food Supply Chain

According to the report by The European House – Ambrosetti, Puglia’s agri-food sector generates a turnover of 15 billion euros. It has a value added of 3.9 billion euros. With 149,400 employees, Puglia is the leading Italian region for employment in the agri-food sector. This highlights the crucial role of the agricultural sector.

Excellence in Production

Puglia’s agri-food production stands out for its quality, superior to the national average. Certified products account for 17% of the total regional turnover. Wine represents 93% of certified productions, positioning Puglia as the sixth Italian region in terms of wine production value.

International Expansion

Puglia’s agri-food exports reached a historic record of 2.5 billion euros in 2023. There was a growth of 10.1% compared to the previous year. This success is double the national average. It demonstrates the appeal of Puglian products in international markets.

Innovation and Sustainability

Puglian companies like Andriani and Agromed are investing in innovation and sustainability. Andriani produces gluten-free and allergen-free pasta. It promotes sustainable agriculture and a regenerative business model. Agromed focuses on sustainability with a new production and logistics complex for the processing of fruit and vegetable products. It uses technologies to reduce consumption and promote the circular economy.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite successes, Puglia’s agri-food supply chain faces several challenges. These include market volatility, climate change, and the need to improve logistics infrastructure. However, opportunities are numerous. Enogastronomic tourism represents a future growth driver. Puglia is the third Italian region for enogastronomic tourism. It has significant potential yet to be explored, especially in the luxury segment.


Puglia’s agribusiness is a strategic sector that significantly contributes to the regional and national economy. Its high-quality productions, sustainable innovation, and international expansion make it an example of excellence in the Italian agri-food landscape. Continuing to invest in sustainability, innovation, and improving logistics infrastructure will be crucial to maintaining and increasing Puglia’s role in global agribusiness

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